The Library Catalog is our most comprehensive search tool for the physical items in the Shippensburg University library collections, including books, journals, videos, microfilms, government publications and more. It also includes many digital items that are in our permanent library collections. For a comprehensive listing of all journal titles, both print and online, use the Library Publications (Journal Titles A-Z) tool.
Almost all our library databases are setup so that you can order articles and book from ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan) directly from a search result. Request articles, books, and other content from libraries around the world. You can use this link to ILLiad to setup your account, modify your contact information or check on the status of your requests. Articles are delivered online, books are held at the Library Circulation Desk.
Search for Books & Media
WorldCat Quick Start
WorldCat Quick Start provides a quick and easy way to find books and other physical items when you are looking for information on a specific subject. This is a great way to explore the general availability of books on your topic. If you have checked the Library Catalog for a particular book or item and the library does not have it in the collection, search for it here and place an Interlibrary Loan request.
The Library Catalog can provide the definitive answer to the question "Does the library own a specific book (or other physical item)?" Generally, we suggest using WorldCat Quick Start to search for books or other physical items when you are not sure of the title for an exact item. If you discover that the library does not own a specific item, search for it in WorldCat and request the item via Interlibrary Loan.
Recalling Checked-out Items
Note: Recall is only available to Shippensburg University Students, Faculty, Staff, and Administrators.
If you find a record for an item in the Library Catalog which has the status of "Checked Out" or "Renewed", you may "Recall" this item by following these steps:
With the item's record displayed, click on Request on the tool bar at the top of the screen.
Type your Library I.D. # from your University I.D. (this number begins with 65...) and then your last name. Click on Login.
Choose Recall from the drop down box. Click on OK.
At the OPAC Request Recall screen, verify the title of the book you
wish to recall. Type in your Library I.D.# in the Barcode box. Verify
the number of days that you wish the recall to be in effect at the Not
Needed After box. Click on the Submit Request button.
A message appears at the top of the screen indicating that your
recall was successful. You will be notified via e-mail as soon as the
book is returned to the library. The book will be held for you at the
Circulation Desk.
Find Background Information
Often, a deeper understandig of a topic can measurably improve an assignment. Take some time to gather some background information and work your new knowledge into your assignment.
Library database that covers the most important and controversial issues of the day. Contains the full text of CQ Researcher, a weekly publication. Each issue provides a comprehensive overview and background essay, data tables and graphs, chronology, pro-con starter, and list of major research and advocacy groups. Includes extensive lists of sources and hot-linked footnotes throughout.