Lehman Library provides access to community patrons such as Shippensburg Alumni, the Local Community, or members of local library consortia such as ACLCP students and faculty and KLN students, faculty and staff.
Online access to Lehman Library online database subscriptions requires a Shippensburg University login. Searching WorldCat, the Library Catalog,and the Journal Titles List can be done from anywhere.
Patrons holding any type of community card may borrow the following:
As a service to university alumni who are area residents, Lehman Library offers borrowing privileges through an Alumni Community Card. Applicants must have an undergraduate or graduate degree from Shippensburg and must present identification in the form of a valid driver's license.
Use and Borrowing Privileges:
The Emeriti Faculty Office, in room 211 of the Library, provides quiet space for independent research.
As a service to Retired Shippensburg University Faculty, Lehman Library offers borrowing privileges through a Emeriti Faculty Card. There is no fee.
Loan Period: The loan period for most materials is end of term, no renewals.
Borrowing Policies:
Emeriti Faculty may borrow 50 items from the circulating general collection, the government documents collection, or Media/Curricular Collection. A maximum of 5 videos/DVDs and compact discs may be charged out. The loan period for videos/DVDs and compact discs is 2 weeks with no renewal. Reference books, reserve materials, and bound periodicals may not be borrowed.
Through a separate procedure, Emeriti Faculty may request off-campus access to the databases.
The emeriti cardholder is responsible for all materials borrowed on the card and is subject to established overdue fines and replacement costs.
Emeriti Faculty are eligible to use Interlibrary Loan, see the Interlibrary Loan page for details.
As a service to Retired Shippensburg University Staff, Lehman Library offers borrowing privileges through a Retired Staff Card.
As a service to area residents who are not otherwise affiliated with the University, Lehman Library offers borrowing privileges through a Local Community Card. Applicants must be 18 years of age and present identification in the form of a valid Pennsylvania driver's license.
High school students are encouraged to borrow Lehman Library materials through InterLibrary Loan at their high school libraries. Otherwise, a parent or legal guardian must accompany the student to the library and make application on the student's behalf.
As a service to faculty and students from ACLCP (Associated College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania) member colleges, Lehman Library offers borrowing privileges through an ACLCP Community Card. Applicants must present a valid faculty or student ID from an ACLCP member college. View ACLCP Library Catalogs
As a service to faculty and students from Keystone Library Network (KLN) member libraries and all Commonwealth employees who have a valid State Library card, Lehman Library offers borrowing privileges through a KLN Community Card. Library staff must verify a KLN patron's status and standing before Shippensburg Library materials may be loaned. Patrons will be required to present their University ID card or State Library card.