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Reference Librarian
Subjects: ENG114/ENG113,
Ezra Lehman Library,
First Year Experience,
Library Events,
Library Exhibits,
Library Tutorials,
Research Process,
Special Presentations,
Special Topics,
A-Z List (Topic Guides),
Academic Success Program,
Anti-Racist Resources,
Business and Economics,
Civil Rights and Liberties,
Computer Science,
Crime and Law Enforcement,
Defense and National Security,
Earth Science,
Employment and Labor,
Entertainment and Sports,
Exercise Science,
Food and Agriculture,
Global Business and Trade,
Health and Medicine,
International Relations,
Law and Legal Issues,
Politics and Government,
Racial and Ethnic Issues,
Religion and Ethics,
Sexuality and Gender,
Social and Demographic Change,
Social Justice,
War and Conflict,
Library Services: Fall and Spring Semesters
- Library Building Access and Services
- Fall & Spring Semester Regular Building Hours
- Monday - Thursday: 7:15 am to Midnight
- Fridays: 7:15am to 6:00pm
- Saturdays: 9:00am - 5:00pm
- Sundays: Noon to Midnight
- Fall & Spring Semester Research Assistance Desk
- In-person help available at Research Help Desk
- Monday - Wednesday: 9:00 am to 7:00pm
- Thursdays: 9:00am to 5:00pm
- Fridays: 9:00am - 4:00pm
- Weekends: Asynchronous
- Online help available through Chat, Email, or by Appointment
- Library Technology: Laptops available and Workstations distributed throughout the building
- Library Printing: Printers are available on the Main Level and the Lower Level
- the color copier on the Lower Level will only print, the copier function is disabled
- Self-checkout and in-person checkout remain available
- Starbucks
- Enter the Starbucks line on the right-hand side of the library foyer
- All Online Resources Are Available through
- ​Services for Students
- Everything above, plus:
- Course Guides | Subject Guides | Topic Guides
- Research Help (phone, chat, email, Zoom, in person)
M-W 9am-7pm, Th 9am-5pm, F 9am-4pm
- Research Consultations with a Librarian (phone, chat, email, Zoom, in person)
- Course Reserves for Students
- Services for Faculty
- Everything above, plus:
- Specialized Course- and/or Assignment-based Research Guides
- Synchronous and/or Asynchronous Library Research Instruction
- Library Research Assistance (phone, chat, email, Zoom, in person)
- Personal Research Consultations Appointments (phone, email, Zoom, in person)
- Faculty Ebook Ordering Form
- Course Reserves for Faculty
- Finding Videos: the easy way is to use Ship Discovery Search
(limit by Source Type for videos, audiovisual, etc.)