Magazine Article
(Chicago Manual of Style 14.188-14.189)
Author, "Article Title," Magazine Title, Date of publication, DOI/URL(if online).
Full Example
1. Kevin MacDonnell, “Mark Twain's Pen Name: A New Theory,” American History, February 2014,
Abbreviated Example
2. MacDonnell, “Mark Twain’s Pen Name.”
2. MacDonnell, American History, February 2014.
Helpful Hints
Even if a magazine gives a volume and issue number, only the date needs to be included. If a day as well as a month and year is available, also include the day.
If a magazine is online include a URL or DOI. If cited in print a specific page number may be given, but all inclusive pages do not need to be given.
See 14.18 for more information on where to put line breaks for URLs or DOIs.