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Grace B. Luhrs Library: Home

Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School Library

Library Fun

Luhrs Library Elementary Shippensburg University

Check out these tabs!

1. "Everyone" Tab for cool enrichment links (HERE)
*Like BookFlix, TrueFlix, TumbleBooks, museums, art, and much more!!
2. "Photo Browse" Tab to browse library by photo displays (HERE)
*Photos of nonfiction books, picture books, award books, special displays, and more. 
3. Individual Classroom Tabs for grade appropriate links (See Above)

*Like search engines for kids, online magazines, library games, and class resources.

4. "Parent" Tab for informational links (HERE)

*Like district information, homework help, internet
safety, and more.

Thoughts from The Librarian

We are very happy to see all of you (elementary AND college students) in the library and checking out books! Our books love to be checked out and read. Regular checkout rules apply, so don't forget the No No Never Box and the Shelf Elf who is watching the library to make sure books are being taken care of and library manners are being used. We are making sure we are being respectful to people and books in the library, so we follow No No Never Box rules and we make sure we wash our hands well when reading library books. 

Thank you for helping us take good care of the books, library, and each other. With helpful students like you, we can surely win the Golden Shelf Elf award this year! 

Have a wonderful, safe, and healthy school year.

~ Ms. Orseno

Grace B. Luhrs Library

Search the Grace B. Luhrs Library Catalog



The Grace B. Luhrs Library is open!



The library is open to all. If our door is closed during the open hours, just ring the doorbell, and we will open it. The Luhrs Library is a university elementary library that services the university community, including the Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School and the Shippensburg community. SU students are welcome into the library even when the elementary students are here. University students may check out any of our books with an SU ID. We ask that you respect that we are a small library and our elementary friends love reading our books too. We love seeing students and faculty/staff from all departments in the library!

ELEMENTARY STUDENTS: You are still welcome to browse the book collection on this website to find a book you want to check out. If the name of our library is GREEN, the book is available for checkout. If it is RED, it is already checked out. We do not have waitlists for books. Elementary students can check out a certain number of books according to their grades. ONLY GRADES 3 AND UP ARE PERMITTED TO CHECK OUT AUDIOBOOKS (ONE AUDIOBOOK IS ALLOWED TO BE CHECKED OUT PER STUDENT AT ANY GIVEN TIME). 

To make browsing easier, we added a tab just for virtual browsing ease. This is where you will find photos of displays and books to help you find get ideas to enter into the search bar above. This tab is called "Photo Browse" and is found at the top of every page on the website. You can also access it by clicking the big, green word "Browse."

**Note: If your student has an overdue book, he/she cannot check out another book until that book is returned or replaced.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Need a list of all the books you have checked out or need to renew your books from the Luhrs Library? 

?Email us and we can take care of this for you: ljsmit@ship.edu

Need a specific kind of book?
Visit the Internet Book List to browse lists of books, authors, and series by names and genres. Also feel free to email with questions: eworseno@ship.edu

For example, select Books | By Genre | Fiction | Children & Young Adult | Coming of Age. Each level takes you to a more specific listing of books. You must select levels one at a time.

Our mission?
Our mission is to encourage members of the elementary school and university community to become life-long learners using knowledge effectively in all formats to be informed and productive members of society.

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Library Calendar

Contact Us

Grace B. Luhrs Library
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Shippensburg, PA 17257-2200

Faculty & Staff List