Okay! You've figured out the basics of advertising techniques.
Now, you are going to master that knowledge. You will also learn about different types of advertising and media.
For the next two weeks, you will complete an advertising awareness game called Admongo.
Here are your instructions:
1. Click on the link below and create your own character, login, and password. IMPORTANT: Write your login and password on the index card your teacher gives you and give it back to your teacher.
2. Log in and work through the game until you complete the final stage. Ask your teacher for help if you need it.
3. When you are done, print out two copies of the completion award. Give one to your teacher. The other is yours to keep.
That's all! Now, jump in and have fun learning!

About Admongo:
The Federal Trade Commision asks: "Everywhere you look, you see advertisements--not just on TV and online, but on buses, buildings, and scoreboards. Many ads taret kids ages 8 to 12. Do your students have the critical thinking skills to understand ads, what they're saying, and what they want kids to do?"
Admongo makes media analysis and awareness fun! Admongo is provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to teach kids about advertising. The FTC cites the goals of its campaign to be to "help kids learn to ask three key 'critical thinking' questions when they encounter advertising: 1. Who is responsible for the ad? 2. What is the ad actually saying? 3. What does the ad want me to do?"