Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 321
(Author Last Name, Year)
(Bailey, 2018)
Author last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Name of work (italicized). Publisher's Name.
Bailey, L. (2018). Because we are bad: OCD and a girl lost in thought. Harper.
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 321
(Author 1 Last name & Author 2 Last name, Year)
(Holland & Halper, 2005)
Author1 Last name, First initial. Middle initial., & Author2 Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Name of work (italicized). Publisher's Name.
Holland, N. J. & Halper, J. (2005). Multiple sclerosis a self-care guide to wellness. Demos Health.
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 321
(Author1 Last name et. al., Year)
(O'Cadiz et. al., 2008)
Author1 Last name, First initial. Middle initial., Author2 Last name, First initial. Middle initial., & Author3 Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Name of work (italicized). Publisher's Name.
O'Cadiz, P., Wong, P., & Torres, C. (2008). Education and democracy. Westview Press.
APA7 does not distinguish between books and ebooks if there is no DOI or non-database URL. If there is a DOI or non-database URL, include it at the end of the reference. Always choose a DOI if there is both a DOI and a URL.
If there are more than two authors, your in-text citation will list only the first author with et. al. For ex.: (Davis et. al., 2019).
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 321
(Author1 Last name & Author2 Last name, Year)
(Brennan & Magness, 2019)
Author 1 Last name, First initial. Middle initial. & Author 2 Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Title of work. Publisher. DOI
Brennan, J. & Magness, P. W. (2019). Cracks in the ivory tower: The moral mess of higher education. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190846282.001.0001
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 321
(Author Last name, Year)
(Hirsch, 2012)
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Title of work (italicized). Publisher. URL
Hirsch, B. D. (Ed). (2012). Digital humanities pedagogy: Practices, principles and politics. OpenBook Publishers.
Include DOI when available.
Include non-database URL when there is no DOI and the link leads you to an available resource and you don't have to enter login credentials to view the source (i.e. you don't need a URL when the book is in a library database).
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 322
(Editor Last name, Year)
(De Santis, 2012)
Editor Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Ed.). (Year). Name of work (italicized). Publisher's Name.
De Santis, G. (Ed.). (2012). The family, the market or the state?: Intergenerational support under pressure in ageing societies. Springer.
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 322
(Editor 1 Last name & Editor 2 Last name, Year)
(Nilsen & Gustafsson, 2016)
Editor 1 Last name, First initial. Middle initial. and Editor 2 Last Name, First initial. Middle initial. (Eds.). (Year). Name of work (italicized). Publisher. DOI
Nilsen, T and Gustafsson, J. (Eds.). (2016). Teacher quality, instructional quality and student outcomes: Relationships across countries, cohorts and time. Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-41252-8
If there are two editors, you would include both names in the in-text citation. For three or more, you would include the first author's last name and then "et. al." in the in-text citation.
If you're citing an ebook version of an edited book that has a DOI or a non-database URL that does not require login for access, include it at the end of your reference list citation.
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 326
(Chapter Author Last name, Year)
(Davis, 2019)
Chapter Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Title of chapter. In Editor First initial. Editor Last name (Ed.), Title of Book (pp. #-#). Publisher. DOI if applicable
Davis, J. (2019). Authenticity, digital media, and person identity verification. In J. E. Stets & R. T. Serpe (Eds.), Identities in Everyday Life (pp. 94-108). Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/oso/9780190873066.001.0001
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 328
(Chapter Author Last name, Year)
(Lauder, 2019)
Chapter Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Title of chapter. In Editor First initial. Last name (Series Ed.), Title of work: Vol. #. Volume title (pp. #-#). Publisher. DOI if applicable
Lauder, C. (2019). Constructing hidden narratives: The history of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH), at the University of Edinburgh, 1969–2013. In M. Feingold (Series Ed.), History of Universities: Vol. XXXI / 2​ (pp. 173-197). Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198835509.001.0001
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 322
(Author Last name, Year)
(Solomon-Godeau, 2017)
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Name of work (italicized). Editor First initial. Last name (Ed.). Publisher's Name.
Solomon-Godeau, A. (2017). Photography after photography: Gender, genre, and history. S. Parsons (Ed.). Duke University Press.
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 323
(Author last name, Year of original publication/Year of republication)
(Freud, 1900/2010)
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of republication). Title of work. (Editor first initial. Last name or Translator First initial. Last name (Ed. or Trans.). Publisher's Name. DOI if applicable (Original work published year)
Freud, S. (2010). The interpretation of dreams. (J. Strachey, Ed. & Trans.). Basic Books. (Original work published 1900)
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 323
(Author Last name, Year of republication)
(Equiano, 2001)
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of republication). Title of work. In Editor or Translator First initial. Last name (Ed. or Trans.). Republisher's Name. (Original work published year)
Equiano, O. (2001). The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equano or Gustavus Vassa, the African. In A. Costanzo (Trans.). Broadview Press. (Original work published 1789)
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 324
(Corporate Author Name, Year)
(Merriam-Webster, n.d.)
Corporate Author Name. (Year). Name of work. Publisher. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL.
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). dictionary. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 324
(Edition ed.; Abbreviation; Corporate Author Name, Year)
(Corporate Author Name, Year)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
Corporate Author. (Year). Name of work. Publisher's Name.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
Include retrieval date if you're not using a stable, archived version.
If author and publisher are the same, omit publisher.
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 328
(Author Last name, Year)
(Rafferty, 2020)
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Entry title. In Editor First initial. Middle initial. Last name (Ed.), Name of work (Edition number or year). Publisher. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL.
Rafferty, J. P. (2020). Is climate change real? In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved April 30, 2020, from
If there is no specific editor, omit Ed. from reference.
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 328
(Group Author, Year)
(Oxford English Dictionary, n.d.)
Group Author. (Year). Entry title. In Name of work (Edition number or year). Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.) Wordlore, n. In dictionary. Retrieved Feb. 25, 2020 from
When the online work is updated constantly, use n.d. for no date and include a retrieval date.
Publication Manual of the APA, 2020, p. 325
(Title, Year/Original publication year if available)
(The Qur'an, 2005)
Title of work (Translator First initial. Second initial. Last name, Trans.). (Year). Publisher. Original work publication date if available.
The Qur'an (M. A. S. Abdel Haleem, Trans.). (2005). Oxford University Press.
Include Translator's name in reference if the work is translated (as in our example).
Include the year of original publication (if known) in the in-text citation and the references.
Publication Manual of the APA 2020 p. 267
(Author Last name, Yeara)
(Pemberton Strong, 2015a)
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Yeara). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume number(Issue number), Page numbers.
Pemberton Strong, S. (2015a). How to make a birthday cake. Southwest Review, 100(3), 404.
Publication Manual of the APA 2019 p. 267
(Author Last name, Yearb, Page number)
(Pemberton Strong, 2015b)
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Yearb). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume number(Issue number), Page numbers.
Pemberton Strong, S. (2015b, Winter). After this, Earth. Southern Review, 51(1), 107.
To determine which source should be "a" and which "b," look closely at the date. If there's only a year as in the first example, that will go before a more specific date. The second example was published in "Winter 2015" so it was placed second in the references list (see p. 305 in APA manual for more information). The in-text citation should only have the year-letter listing, for example (Pemberton Strong, 2015b), even though the reference list entry includes a more specific date: Pemberton Strong, S. (2015b, Winter).
Do not include database information unless knowing the database is necessary for retrieving the article.