This guide has been designed to assist you in finding resources for research in theatre and related fields. Feel free at any time to use our Ask Us Anything chat, email, or instant answers service for additional assistance.
With over 4,300 entries, provides authoritative and up-to-date information about theatre and performance from ancient Greek theatre to the latest developments in London, Paris, New York, and around the globe.
JSTOR is our most comprehensive interdisciplinary archive of scholarly journal articles. It includes the full-run of some 4,000 journals, from the journal's first issue up until the most recent 3-5 years (typically). Covers a wide variety of subjects, including the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, as well as extensive area studies collections and applied fields, such as business and criminal justice.
Covers literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, etc. Contains current full text scholarly journals which cover these fields and a significant collection of recent scholarly books.
An extensive repertoire of award-winning, acclaimed theatre, music and dance performances. Behind the scenes interviews on acting, directing, design and the technical elements of contemporary theatre practice. Detailed historical, social and political context guides that encourage engagement with the language, form and structure of plays. Interactive drama techniques and exercises that are curriculum linked and encourage engagement.
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