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HON122 - Senecal

Dr. Senecal: Honors World History I

HON122 - Honors World History I - Senecal

This Research Guide has been designed to help you find primary and secondary research materials for your study of world history up until 1800.

Feel free at any time to use our Ask Us Anything chat or email reference service for additional assistance, or contact me, James Sterner, by email at jesterner@ship.edu or use the "Schedule Appointment" button under my profile picture to sign up for a research consultation.

Using ILLiad Tutorials

Please watch the following two tutorials and follow the instructions to setup your ILLiad account to borrow books and articles from other libraries. Please note: these tutorials were made a little while ago and a few things have changed.

  • Use Google Chrome to take the tutorials - you may have technical issues in other browsers
  • The library homepage link to ILLiad has moved. Please use the first link below instead to setup your account. Everything else in the tutorials is correct.
Finding Primary and Secondary Sources Tutorial