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ENG318 - Windholz

Week 3 Activity

Activities Part 1

Gale Research Complete

Go to "Literature Criticism" from the main page and select "Browse All Topics." Find a topic that is of interest to you and find the "further reading" related to that topic. See if any of the sources listed are available in Discovery Search.

Project Muse

Experiment with keyword searching to look for books or journal articles on a topic that is of interest to you. After conducting a search, try using the filters on the left hand side of the screen to limit to only books or only journal articles. 

Activities Part 2

MLA International Bibliography

Choose an author or work you are interested in researching. In MLA International Bibliography, use the "Browse Authors" or "Browse Works" function to look for articles on your chosen author.


In JSTOR, go to "Browse" then select "By Subject, Journals and Books." Try looking under "Performing Arts" or "Language and Literature" to look for journals that may be relevant to your research. Also, try using keyword searching to locate at least one article that may be relevant to a topic you are interested in.