Pick a topic that is interesting to you and write a literature review about this topic. Minimally 8 research journal articles should be cited in this assignment.
This assignment will be divided into three parts. It is designed for you to practice literature review writing skills and gain an in-depth understanding about one particular social issue by exploring existing research findings in that area.
I. Topic & Reference list: 5 points
The topic has to be sociological, and the references should be peer-reviewed journal articles.
II. Introduction and Literature Review: 10 points
a. One page introduction: description of the issue you want to study. Why it is important to study this topic.
b. The literature review part needs to be at least 5 pages long. This part should be organized into 4-5 themes.
III. Cover page, abstract, and Conclusion (one page for each component, and 3 pages total): 5 points
a. Cover page should include information like the topic, your name, class information, and the date.
b. Abstract needs to be around 150 words long. It serves the purpose of highlighting the key discussions of this paper. Too short or too long will result in point deduction.
c. Conclusion can be half page to one page long. In this part, you summarize the key findings, discuss the implications, and identify directions for future research.