tl;dr: online library resource access options have expanded. We added a very large amount of full-text content, lost access to some full-text content, and discontinued a few indexes. Our JSTOR backfiles remain the same.
The net result is a loss of a few indexing/abstracting databases (Philosopher’s Index, Econlit, Social Work Abstracts), a change to indexing and abstracting from full-text for a few databases (America: History and Life, Historical Abstracts), a change to reduced full-text access (Computers and Applied Sciences Complete, Art & Architecture Complete), and a large influx of full-text (ProQuest Central) to fill in “lost” full-text and provide alternate full-text as available.
As always, our interlibrary loan staff will gladly ask other libraries for full text content, if the Lehman Library doesn’t have it immediately available.
Specific changes include:
These changes have resulted in 10-25% more full-text content for a similar cost.
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