This is your major assignment for this course and it will be graded in sections. In this course, we are discussing the intersection of biological, psychological, and social/cultural factors on overall health/wellness. Thus, this project will provide you with an opportunity to focus on promoting improved health/wellness in one facet of your wellbeing. We will discuss additional details of the project in class and I will give you plenty of examples/ideas to choose from, although you are also welcome to come up with your own idea. For this project, I want you to think about health promotion/health improvement differently than you have in the past – if most of your prior health goals have centered on a particular facet of nutrition, try something different for this project. Additionally, this project will be centered on health promotion – something you want to gain/improve rather than stop (although improving or making gains may involve a reduction of particular behaviors). You will maintain a weekly journal for your project and you are required to write a detailed entry on your health promotion project at least once per week. This project will be grounded in empirical science and you will use existing psychological/health literature as a rationale for your chosen health promotion behavior.
Example health behaviors to change/improve (this is just a small selection of ideas!!):
- Improving mood through a gratitude journal
- Working on present focus through mindfulness practice
- Improving mind/body wellness through yoga practice
- Improved physical health through regular aerobic activity
- Increased connectivity by joining a new social network
- Increased connectivity by regular social interactions with a particular friend
- Improving health by reducing sugar intake (e.g., sugary beverages)
- Improving mood/health by reducing or quitting cigarette smoking
- Improving sleep by reduced alcohol intake
- Improving health by reducing or quitting nicotine vaping
- Greater spiritual connection through a particular religious/spiritual practice