Off campus Ship users, please test both of the Approved Journals search link options above – if they do not work, then please try this really basic workaround:
- From the library homepage:
- Then: Click the Advanced Search link
- In the top search box, paste the large ugly block of search text below, and click Search
(this should limit the results to the approved journals, then you can add your topic terms to the second and third search boxes)
((JN "Academy of Management Journal") OR (JN "Academy of Management Learning & Education") OR (JN "Academy of Management Perspectives") OR (JN "Academy of Management Review") OR (JN "Administrative Science Quarterly") OR (JN "Business Horizons") OR (JN "California Management Review") OR (JN "Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice & Research") OR (JN "HRMagazine") OR (JN "Harvard Business Review") OR (JN "Human Relations") OR (JN "Human Resource Development Quarterly") OR (JN "Human Resource Management") OR (JN "Human Resource Management Review") OR (JN "Human Resource Planning") OR (JN "Industrial & Labor Relations Review") OR (JN "International Journal of Human Resource Management") OR (JN "Journal of Applied Psychology") OR (JN "Journal of Business Ethics") OR (JN "Journal of Business & Psychology") OR (JN "Journal of High Technology Management Research") OR (JN "Journal of Small Business Management") OR (JN "Journal of Management") OR (JN "Journal of Organizational Behavior") OR (JN "Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes") OR (JN "Organizational Dynamics") OR (JN "Personnel Psychology") OR (JN "Sloan Management Review") OR (JN "Training & Development Journal"))