Each student will write a research paper and present it to the class during the final weeks of the course.
Presentation topics will be approved by the instructor.
In-class Library Activity
Part of today's class-time will be identifying resources and locating potentially qualifying articles for your assignment. This activity should get you well on your way to being prepared for the overall project.
Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals.
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A comprehensive index to the literature of psychology and related fields, including entries for journal articles, books, dissertations, and other research materials. It indexes some 4.5 million sources, 40% of which are available in electronic or print full-text in our library.
Access from on campus or off campus with Ship ID.
Research Process
Suggested Steps
Search the primary academic literature using library databases (Business Source Premier, JSTOR, PsycINFO) to gain background for your topic
Select articles from the primary journals listed below on a single topic related to organizational behavior. You must find and use ten (10) different articles from these journals!
Integrate the material from your articles. You may also use books, magazines, newspapers, web-based source material, as appropriate.
Your paper should be no more than ten typewritten, double‑spaced pages ‑ you must be concise. The ten page limit is for the actual text of the paper, and does not include the title page, executive summary, tables, figures, or references. Use American Psychological Association (APA) format for research citations. [See "Citations" tab above]
Develop a concise class presentation around the material that you have researched.