JSTOR is our most comprehensive interdisciplinary archive of scholarly journal articles. It includes the full-run of some 4,000 journals, from the journal's first issue up until the most recent 3-5 years (typically). Covers a wide variety of subjects, including the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, as well as extensive area studies collections and applied fields, such as business and criminal justice.
Art & Architecture Complete provides access to full-text art journals and magazines, plus thousands of images. Beneficial for artists, scholars, and designers, it encompasses fine, decorative, and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design.
The world's largest book database, WorldCat serves as a shared library catalog for 25,000+ libraries worldwide. Contains links to books, periodical titles, videos, internet resources, and other cataloged resources in libraries. It also contains selected collections of periodical articles. Access from on campus or off campus, with no ID required.