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Rate your Library Survey

The Survey will be available only from November 1 to November 20, 2015. Prize Winners will be notified by email in late November.

Informed Consent

LIBQUAL+ Library Survey
LibQUAL+ is a web-based survey bundled with training that assesses user satisfaction. This survey has repeatedly been given to the patrons of 1000s of university libraries nationwide. PASSHE university libraries gave this survey as a baseline assessment in 2006; and again in 2009 and 2012. LIBQUAL+ enables PASSHE libraries to obtain longitudinal data for assessment purposes. Shippensburg University Library will also use these survey results to help improve libraries services, change organizational culture, and outreach.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. Incomplete surveys will be removed from the survey pool. You can stop participating at any time.
There are no known risks associated with this study. There may be risks that we cannot predict.
There are no known direct benefits to the subjects of this study. Results will be used to improve library services, and our support of student success.
We will take the following steps to keep information about you confidential, and to protect it from unauthorized disclosure, tampering, or damage:
The primary researcher, Josefine Smith and Shippensburg University’s Library will have access to the data and records. The data will be described in comparison to other data points or through statistical interpretations if published or shared with others. The data will be aggregated into one data collection and demographic information will be linked to survey data using a coded system. At no point during the study will personally identifying information (such as names, birth dates, or addresses) be collected.
Copies of notes from surveys and demographic information will be kept in a filing cabinet in a locked office. Aggregated data will be stored on campus computers and drives, which require a password for getting onto the system.
For participants completing the survey at the library in person, cookies and small completion prizes will be given to increase participation. Additionally, all participants will be entered to win larger prizes, and will be selected randomly after the survey is closed.
Participation in this study is voluntary. You have the right not to participate at all or to leave the study at any time. Deciding not to participate or choosing to leave the study will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are entitled, and it will not harm your relationship with Shippensburg University’s Library. If you wish to withdraw from the study, let the primary investigator (Josefine Smith) know and your focus group responses will be removed from the pool.
Call Josefine Smith at 717-477-1634 or email at jmsmith@ship.edu if you have questions about the study. Contact Shippensburg University’s IRB committee, Committee on Research with Human Subjects (irb@ship.edu) with any problems, unexpected physical or psychological discomforts, or think that something unusual or unexpected is happening.

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