Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) is among the most popular K-12 websites maintained by the U.S. Department of Education because of the many great resources being offered by contributing federal agencies.
More than 1,500 federally supported teaching and learning resources are included from dozens of federal agencies. New sites are added regularly.
Explore subject areas such as: Arts & Music, Health & Phys Ed, History & Soc Studies, Language Arts, Math, and Science.
This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.
Find links to Government and other kid's websites.
Features: Grade K-5, Grade 6-8, For Educators, and Hot Topics.
Find links to government and other kids' sitesFind l.inks to government and other kids' sites
Primary source sets, themed resources, lesson plans, collection connections, and presentations/activities all await you at the Library of Congress's teachers' portal.
This site enables you to locate materials in clustered groupings from across many government locations. Select a set of resources to explore with your students, and you can select your state and grade to receive your state's academic standards that apply to that resource set.
For example, you can explore the lives of children at the turn of the century and see photographic images of the normal experiences of the day. You can read online a fully imaged children's book from that time period and compare it to a children's book that you have already read in class!