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This guide archives the exhibits and displays which Lehman Library has provided to the campus in recent years.

U.S. Constitution Day

2015 Constitution Day Celebration

Under a federal law adopted in 2004, educational institutions which recieve federal funding are required to hold a commenmorative event annually on Constitution Day, September 17.

At Shippensburg University, these activities have traditionally consisted of

  • a reading of the Preamble by the Luhrs Elementary School Students and the university President,
  • a display of art works by the Luhrs School students,
  • an evening lecture and discussion for the campus community which is also open to the wider public.


2015 Activities:

​Morning:             Reading of the Preamble by President Harpster and the GBLUES 4th and 5th graders

Date:  Thursday, September 17, 2015.  

Time: 10:30 a.m. 

Where: Library Plaza.  

Rain Location: GBLUES School MPR (After the reading of the Preamble please visit the library [lower level lobby] to enjoy art work on Constitution Day created by the GBLUES’ students.)

Evening:             OBERGEFELL v. HODGES:  The Constitutional Past, Present, and Future of LGBT Rights. 

                           “A talk about the recent same-sex marriage decision, by Dr. Steven Lichtman, Department of Political Science”

Date:  Thursday, September 17, 2015.  

Time: 7:00 PM 

Where: Grove Forum

The Exhibit

The Art Works by GBLUES' Students

Library Lower Level Lobby

September 14th - 30th, 2015