This is our comprehensive search tool for finding the online and print library resources available through the Shippensburg University Library. It includes newspaper, magazine, and journal articles, as well as books, videos, government documents and many other scholarly sources. It is the best tool to use to find a specific item - just search the article or book title directly in the Discovery Service search box.
This database is our most comprehensive single database, including some 31 million newspaper, magazine, and journal articles, with the 2/3 of these immediately available in Full Text. The advantage of this approach is that you can search this extensive digital library with one consistent system of search terms and take advantage of powerful search features available when searching a single database.
Access from on campus or off campus with Ship ID.
Contents indexed in Ship Library Discovery Search.
One of the most comprehensive news databases in the world, ProQuest Global Newstream includes access to over 3000 news sources, including 2,200 newspapers, as well as blogs, podcasts, websites and news wire feeds worldwide.
Development note - alt link use stats: (91 total hits, 33 since 7/2012 -- 10 /2012)
Westlaw is our major legal database that includes secondary and primary legal sources. It contains statutes, codes, arbitrations, and case law. Westlaw also includes the legal encyclopedias, journals, treatises, and law reviews. In addition to legal materials, it also has extensive collections of national and state/local news sources, as well as regional business magazines.