Business Source Premier contains reports on the HR practices for many specific countries. To do a search for your country, search for your country's name and "Personnel Management". Once you have a list of search results, use the round buttons on the blue navigation bar midway down the page to limit your results to "Country Reports". If you don't see a result starting with "Human Resources, Country Commerce, <your country>", drop me an email to see if I can find it for you. Not every country has a report, but many do and more are added each year.
Covers trade publications from industries including finance, insurance, transportation, construction, and more. Covers over 700 publications for trade and industry information. Contains publications on every major industry, including finance, insurance, transportation, and construction.
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Online Journal Resources for International HRM Practices
HRMJ seeks to publish scholarly articles on any aspect of employment studies but especially those focused on issues related to the management of people at work. Articles should make a substantive contribution to contemporary issues, incorporate good use of theory and research, and offer well-founded conclusions with practical implications. The journal is particularly interested in articles which will appeal to an international readership. Critical reviews are also welcomed, especially those poin
Human Resource Development International promotes all aspects of practice and research that explore issues of individual, group and organisational learning and performance. In adopting this perspective Human Resource Development International is committed to questioning the divide between practice and theory; between the 'practitioner' and the 'academic' between traditional and experimental methodological approaches and between organisational demands of scholarship.
The 2-vol. St. James Encyclopedia of Labor History Worldwide provides in-depth analysis of more than 300 key events in labor history over the last 200 years, focusing on the relevance of these events to both the labor movement as a whole and to societal changes around the world.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History includes 900 original articles by noted scholars from more than 35 countries. Articles range from 500-word entries on inventors, theoreticians, and industry leaders to overarching, 8,000-word essays on markets, industries, and labor.
The "Knowledge@Wharton" newsletter, from the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania, publishes a number on well-written, in-depth articles on various topics as well as interviews with important people in business and academia. The articles linked here are all about human resources in India; titles include "India's Corporations Race to Train Workers and Avoid Being Left in the Dust", "Job Cuts vs. Pay Cuts: In a Slowing Economy, What's Better for India?" and "Talent on Demand".