Our most comprehensive search tool. It searches simultaneously most of our library databases, including all our EBSCO databases and the library catalog, among others. Use Ship Discovery Search to locate all our books, ebooks, and videos, as well as our magazine and journal articles in all databases. It provides additional access to news articles and dissertations. Use it in combination with ProQuest All Databases Search.
Political Science Complete is an extensive full-text collection and index to political science literature. It includes online full-text for 500+ academic journals in political science and related fields. It also provides cover to cover indexing for a total of 1,000 political science journals and selective coverage for an additional 1,000 journals in related fields. It also includes a collection of some 340 reference and other political science e-books. In this way, Political Science Complete forms the perfect in-depth complement to the broader coverage found in our current PAIS database.
Indexes 2.5+ million items in political science, public policy, and international relations, which were produced from 1915 to the present. Contains journal articles, books, U.S. and foreign government documents, websites, research and think tank reports, and international agency publications. The great breadth of this database is perfectly complemented by the in-depth journal coverage of Political Science Complete.
Academic Search Ultimate is our largest single comprehensive database. It includes records for some 40 million items, with 25+ million immediately available in full-text. It covers all subject areas and includes newspapers and other news sources, general and specialized magazines, and scholarly journals. It is an excellent starting place for most undergraduate research.
Access from on campus or off campus with Ship ID.
Contents indexed in Ship Library Discovery Search.
Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals.
Access from on campus or off campus with Ship ID.
State Government Periodicals
The following is a list of that are dedicated to studying state government.