Our most comprehensive search tool. It searches simultaneously most of our library databases, including all our EBSCO databases and the library catalog, among others. Use Ship Discovery Search to locate all our books, ebooks, and videos, as well as our magazine and journal articles in all databases. It provides additional access to news articles and dissertations. Use it in combination with ProQuest All Databases Search.
One of the most comprehensive search tools available. It includes all our ProQuest book, journal, news, video, and dissertation databases, as well as PAIS Index. It includes the complete ABI Inform Collection, and it is our most comprehensive news search. Use this as a companion tool to Ship Discovery Search.
Available on campus or off-campus with your ShipID and password.
Library database that covers the most important and controversial issues of the day. Contains the full text of CQ Researcher, a weekly publication. Each issue provides a comprehensive overview and background essay, data tables and graphs, chronology, pro-con starter, and list of major research and advocacy groups. Includes extensive lists of sources and hot-linked footnotes throughout.