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Indigenous Voices

Links to resources by indigenous authors and communities, focused on the people who inhabited the Susquehanna Valley region and their descendants.


The following lists are by no means complete. The pantheon of Indigenous authors continues to grow and expand.  If you would like to recommend an author to include in these lists, please let us know!

Indigenous Authors of North America

The Indigenous communities of this region include: 574 sovereign tribal nations which have a formal relationship with the U.S. Government.

You can also listen to the signature audio project of Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, Living Nations, Living Words for a sampling of work by 47 contemporary Native poets. 


Indigenous Authors of Central and South America

The Indigenous communities of this region include: the Aymara, Quechua. Guarani, Maya, and many more. Indigenous Peoples of Latin America

Indigenous Authors of Asia and the Pacific Islands (API)

Indigenous communities of this region include: Hawaiians, Maori, Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islanders, Papuans, Micronesians, and many more.

Indigenous Authors of the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA)

The indigenous communities of this region include: the Berbers also known as Amazigh, the Ma'dan, the Tuareg, the Copts, the Assyrians, the  Jahalin Bedouins, and more.

Indigenous Authors of Southern Africa

Indigenous communities in Southern Africa include the San, Nama, Khoi, the Khoekhoe peoples, and many more.

Indigenous Authors of Siberia and Northern Europe

Indigenous communities in this region include: the Buryats, Evenks, Tyvalar, Kantek/Khanti, Entsi, Sami, Maan's'i/Mansi and many more.