If you have the bill or public law number and date, this is the place to search. It will lead you to information concerning the bill's history, committee action, vote counts, and more.
If you have the statute information, this is the place to search for the full text of the statute. From this text, you will be able to get the public law number and use the Bills and Amendments search as well, to find additional information.
Westlaw is our main legal database, which also includes newspaper coverage. For this project, you will use it for two things - to find your statute and related legal information, and to search for newspaper coverage of your bill.
The website of the major newspaper covering the state capital. Unfortunately, we do not have online full-text of the Patriot News in a library database, but lots of full-text will be available through the website.
Our most comprehensive news source, it includes a number of large Pennsylvania papers, as well as thousands of other national and local news sources. You can search for coverage of your bill in this database.
Development note - alt link use stats: (91 total hits, 33 since 7/2012 -- 10 /2012)