America: History & Life is the definitive index of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. With selective selective indexing for 1,700 journals from 1955 to present, this database is without question the most important bibliographic reference tool for students and scholars of U.S. and Canadian history.
Historical Abstracts covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and much more. This authoritative database provides indexing of historical articles from more than 1,800 journals in over 40 languages back to 1955. Contains over 800,000 records and access to more than 349 journals and more than 120 books.
JSTOR is our most comprehensive interdisciplinary archive of scholarly journal articles. It includes the full-run of some 4,000 journals, from the journal's first issue up until the most recent 3-5 years (typically). Covers a wide variety of subjects, including the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, as well as extensive area studies collections and applied fields, such as business and criminal justice.
Covers literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, etc. Contains current full text scholarly journals which cover these fields and a significant collection of recent scholarly books.
Academic Search Ultimate is our largest single comprehensive database. It includes records for some 40 million items, with 25+ million immediately available in full-text. It covers all subject areas and includes newspapers and other news sources, general and specialized magazines, and scholarly journals. It is an excellent starting place for most undergraduate research.
Access from on campus or off campus with Ship ID.
Contents indexed in Ship Library Discovery Search.
Sage Premier is one of our largest journal archives featuring 1000+ scholarly journals and over 2 million articles. The major areas covered are the social and behavioral sciences, but it also includes strong offerings in Health Sciences, Life & Biomedical Sciences, Materials Science & Engineering, and the Humanities.
Includes several databases that index extensive amounts of research on Africa. Select a country, or choose to search all the databases with advanced options. Use links to WorldCat and Check Availability to see if Shippensburg has access to the article. If unavailable through Lehman, request via interlibrary loan (ILLiad).
The Handbook is a bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, the multidisciplinary Handbook alternates annually between the social sciences and the humanities.
This freely accessible database, produced by the National Library of Israel, indexes a very large collection of articles (350,000+) found in journals and edited book collections. At SU, this serves as the fundamental starting point for research on Jewish topics.
Art & Architecture Complete provides access to full-text art journals and magazines, plus thousands of images. Beneficial for artists, scholars, and designers, it encompasses fine, decorative, and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design.
Includes research materials about the Bible, ancient Judaism through the first century, and earliest Christianity. Also includes relevant materials on the Ancient Near Eastern and Graeco Roman worlds.
An extensive index to research materials on the Classical World, including related materials on ancient near easterns studies and religion. It is a Table of Contents service rather than a fully indexed database, but does provide important coverage of the ancient world.