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HCS210-Public Speaking

Finding Different Points of View

Finding Political Commentary Publications and Sources

There are many excellent ways to find articles in political publications. The links on this guide will help you to search select groups of political commentary publications. It includes links to groups of liberal, centrist, conservative, and religious commentary magazines. Just click the link you want and type in your search topic (i.e. "stem cell research") in a blank search box. To search individual titles, see the select group of political commentary magazines on the News Sources tab.

Custom Made Search Tools

High Quality Web Source Finder

Google Custom Search

Use this search tool to find high quality web sources for your research. You can limit by In-Depth Journalism, Newpaper Topic Guides, Science News, CRS (Congressional Research Service) Reports, and Web Directories. Please Note: Several ads will appear first in the results list.

Search Think Tanks


Google Custom Search


Use this search tool to find high quality reports from a selection of the most important think tanks. You can use tabs to restrict your search to Research-Oriented or Foreign Policy think tanks. Please Note: Several ads will appear first in the results list.