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Read an Ebook Week March 2-8

by Heather Glasby on 2025-03-02T06:00:00-05:00 | 0 Comments

Today's post was prepared by Kimberly Braet, Library Graduate Assistant. 


Storytelling is an integral part of human history, and the modalities we use to tell these stories are evolving. Humans have constantly sought ways to preserve stories and make them more accessible to broader audiences. From the production of the Gutenberg printing press in the mid-1400s to modern-day E-Readers, the distribution of literature has boomed. Progressive inventions, such as tablature and printing presses, paved the way for the modern-day e-book, which was first attributed to Michael Hart’s manually typed copy of the Declaration of Independence in 1971. More information regarding the origins of the e-book can be found here.


As the methods of storytelling have evolved, so too have libraries. In addition to expansive physical collections, libraries now offer e-book resources to meet the diverse needs of library patrons. Search engines, such as Shippensburg University’s Library Discover Page, can be used to explore a vast range of titles in seconds. The Lehman Library offers patrons a broad selection of e-book genres that students can access for school or personal reading. To learn more about the Lehman Library’s assortment of electronic titles and how to access them, visit https://library.ship.edu/ebooks.


The digital world of media is here to stay, for now. As civilization progresses, so too will the means for spreading information, stories, memories, and teachings. Libraries will always play a vital role in our society by keeping this information accessible to all.


As a part of the PA Forward Program, the Lehman Library contributes to this accessibility of literature by engaging in the Pennsylvania initiative to increase awareness and literacy in the basic, information, civic and social, health, and financial literacies. To learn more about what it means to be a Gold Star library, visit https://paforward.org/pa-forward-star-program/.

 Image of the five PA Forward literacies: “Basic Literacy, Information Literacy, Civic and Social Literacy, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy”

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