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Literary Studies Guide

Library Resources on Authors Writing in English and Criticism of Their Works.

Using Books for Researching Literature

Books and chapters in books are one key way that scholars in literature and other humanities fields publish their research. At Shippensburg University, there are extensive literature holdings spread between the print collections on the upper level and the eBook holdings within various databases at Lehman Library.

The most efficient way to view the library's book holdings (in both print and eBook) is to use the Ship Discovery Service, and limit your results to books. For assistance in finding a book, contact the librarians, ask@ship.libanswers.com, at Lehman Library (including through chat!).

Searching for Books in Print

The following links provide access to the Lehman Library catalog, WorldCat, and the Library of Congress, which you would use to find materials not available elsewhere that you could then request through interlibrary loan.

Freely Available eBook Collections