This is our most comprehensive database. It searches most of our databases at the same time along with the library catalog. It includes articles in news sources, magazines and journals, as well as e-books, print books, videos, and government publications.
One of the most comprehensive news databases in the world, ProQuest Global Newstream includes access to over 3000 news sources, including 2,200 newspapers, as well as blogs, podcasts, websites and news wire feeds worldwide.
Development note - alt link use stats: (91 total hits, 33 since 7/2012 -- 10 /2012)
Oxford Art Online is a comprehensive encyclopedic source for art information. It includes access to the essential Grove Dictionary of Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and other sources. With its extensive articles, images, and bibliographies, it serves as the most important starting point for art research.
The Films on Demand Master Academic Video collection includes 39,000+ documentaries, educational videos, archival news and primary sources, lectures & interviews, as well as some dramatic and feature films. It covers all academic areas across the curriculum.
Accessible from on-campus or off-campus with your ShipID.
The world's largest book database, WorldCat serves as a shared library catalog for 25,000+ libraries worldwide. Contains links to books, periodical titles, videos, internet resources, and other cataloged resources in libraries. It also contains selected collections of periodical articles. Access from on campus or off campus, with no ID required.
Search Terms for Finding Autobiographical Sources
autobiograph* OR biograph* OR interview* OR diaries OR diaries OR memoir*